Nov 11, 2010

Freedom isn't Free - Thank a vet.

Let us never forget that Freedom isn't free.  Freedom has come at the sacrifice of many brave men and women.  A friend of mine whom I served with in the US Army and whom is still on active duty shared this with me.

"A veteran is someone, who at one point in their life, wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America, for an amount up to, and including, their life. That is beyond honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer remember that fact."

Thank You to everyone that has served or still serving to protect our freedom.  If not for those brave men and women that stood up to protect our freedoms we would not be allowed to partake in the wonder of the great outdoors that so many of us enjoy.  Please say a prayer for those that have made the ultimate sacrifice and for those at this moment that are still fighting to protect our freedom. 

A Thank You doesn't seem like it's enough but it comes deep from the heart and I will never forget their sacrifices.

From one vet to another..... Happy Veterans Day and THANK YOU!


  1. Back at you, from one old vet to another vet. Happy Veterans Day. I really liked the quote on what a Veteran is.

  2. Not enough can be said to thank all the vets and their families for the sacrifices they make.
