Jan 9, 2011

What's in a name anyway?

I have to send out a big thanks to the Outdoor Blogger Network for the recent writing prompt asking fellow bloggers to write about the name of their blogs.  This is just what I needed, an assignment to show me just how much creativity I lack.  Thanks OBN.

There is no doubt that my blog name lacks any real creativity, especially after reading many other blogs like Millsy's Chucking Line and Chasing Tails or Karri's I Don't Wear Pink Camo to the Woods or Nick and Trev's blog over at The Drag Free Drift.  What my blog name lacks in creativity, it makes up for in meaning, well at least to me it does.

Passinthru Outdoors  - Sharing the Passion:  So what does it really mean?

Passinthru stuck to me many years ago when I was at a fall fair and stopped by a booth where a guy was painting designs on licenses plates.  Being and avid Bow Hunter I wanted a design that represented my passion so I decided on a bowhunter in a tree stand shooting at a large buck.  But something was missing.   It needed some text as well, but what.

 As a bowhunter the ultimate reward is a complete pass through shot on your game.  This usually leads to a quick and lethal kill shot and a short recovery which is something all hunters strive for.  While I was filling out the form for my license plate, Pass Through was all that came to mind, but that was too long so I shortened it to PassThru but my Buddy Russ who was having his "Killing Time" made up he suggest Passing Thru.  Perfect I thought, but I never pronounce the G's in any word ending in ing, sorry mom, so it became PassinThru.  At the time it represented that goal of an arrow passing right through the animal, but it came to represent more than that as I continued growing as a person and otudoorsman.

As a young boy I was addicted to the outdoors, specifically hunting and fishing but really anything that kept me outside was okay.  As the years passed the need for the outdoors became even more powerful and really took off, especially  once I was old enough to go out on my own.  New adventures took place and new passions were born, but they were all related to the outdoors so adding the outdoors to my blog name was a must for sure.

I never realized what the outdoors really meant to me as a person until I had a family.  I would take my son, daughter and their friends along on my outdoor trips and to see the enjoyment and excitement they got from these trips made me realize just how amazing the time spent outdoors was.  I spent many a trip reliving some of my firsts through them and it became more important to see them enjoy the outdoors than my own time in the outdoors.  That is the moment I realized that what I was sharing and seeing was what my parents and uncles had shared and experienced with me.  I was certain it was exactly what their parents and family shared and felt as they shared the passion with them.  I enjoy sharing the outdoors with others and even more so taking someone for their first outdoors trip or helping them catch their first fish or bag their first turkey.  Matter of fact I get more excited when I see someone have success in the woods or on the water then when I have my own success,  So Sharing the Passion became my tag line.

So now you know how Passinthru Outdoors  - Sharing the Passion came along.  I told you it wasn't very creative or flashy, but it does have meaning, well at least to me.

I was a little hesitant about blogging at first because I really didn't know where to start or what to write about.  It will be a year in February since I started this blog and I'm not sure how useful my posts has been, but I do know that by creating this blog it has offered up many great opportunities to meet new people whom share a love for the outdoors and to learn from and live through all of my fellow bloggers with each entry they post and for that I am grateful.  Thank you for Sharing your PASSION with me and for making my time blogging feel useful.


  1. I definitely share your passion. Glad to have found your blog. I'm especially grateful to OBN for connecting us all, so we can collectively share our passions with other like minded outdoor enthusiasts.

  2. Great story! I enjoy the blog! Keep it up!

  3. That's a great story and the name has meaning to you which is very important.

    I know when I first saw you and your blog coming on the bloggin' scene, I instantly loved the name. I think it rocks!

    Keep up the good work over hear and I look forward to reading more of your tales!

    (also thanks so much for the link to my blog in your post! Too cool!)

  4. Even if you didn't know where to start, you sure have found a great way to keep it going.. I've definitely enjoyed reading your blog!!
